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Go by Example
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Go by Example: Interfaces
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| package main
import "fmt" import "math"
type geometry interface { area() float64 perim() float64 }
type rect struct { width, height float64 }
type circle struct { radius float64 }
func (r rect) area() float64 { return r.width * r.height }
func (r rect) perim() float64 { return 2*r.width + 2*r.height }
func (c circle) area() float64 { return math.Pi * c.radius * c.radius }
func (c circle) perim() float64 { return 2 * math.Pi * c.radius }
func measure(g geometry) { fmt.Println(g) fmt.Println(g.area()) fmt.Println(g.perim()) }
func main() { r := rect{width: 3, height: 4} c := circle{radius: 5}
measure(r) measure(c) }
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| $ go run interfaces.go {3 4} 12 14 {5} 78.53981633974483 31.41592653589793
延伸阅读: how-to-use-interfaces-in-go
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